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La Sovana Green
Solar field at La Sovana

Società agricola La Sovana Snc

Benefits of solar power:

Use the solar power for an hotel provides instant savings on utility bills. If you have a solar-powered resort, you are well on your way to eliminating your electricity bills for decades to come. While you have to pay the initial high cost of installing solar panels at the hotel, you will start saving money as soon as your system goes live, and the savings will continue well past the usual 25 year warranty period for hotel solar panels

Consumers are increasingly looking to stay in solar-powered resorts and hotels because they are environmentally conscious and want to reduce their carbon footprint while travelling. The benefits are:
- Emission-free energy
- Pollution-free surroundings
- Doesn’t harm the nearby ecosystem
- Highly efficient energy source

La Sovana’s new solar field is one of the first elements guests will now see when driving into the property. The solar panels were created by designing a flat, slightly elevated field, to complement the natural beauty.

The solar panel installations were created to power different sections of the resort, offsetting the costs of all energy-intensive operations such as water production, air conditioning and hot water heaters.

Agriturismo La Sovana also invested in storage technology utilizing Lithium Iron Phosphate batteries and smart meters that will manage the property from its current power source. The resort plans to manage its power utilization by “load shifting” from the evening to the day time, as well as utilizing timers, LED lighting and energy-efficient appliances to further reduce its load.

The solar field is almost 600mq

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