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Taste this typical Italian dish

Società agricola La Sovana Snc

If you think of a typical dish of Tuscany it is perhaps the Pappa al Pomodoro to come immediately to mind at all. Known throughout Italy thanks to Vamba and its Gian Gale, this dish has been able to conquer even the most discerning palates in time to become a classic of Italian cuisine. But how should you prepare Pappa al Pomodoro?

The recipe is very simple and is made with ripe tomatoes, extra virgin olive oil, garlic, vegetable broth, stale bread and basil, salt and pepper to flavor everything.

Peel and chop the tomatoes in a saucepan and let brown two cloves of garlic with two tablespoons of oil. Add the chopped tomatoes, season with a little 'pepper and cook. Meanwhile dice the stale bread and put it in the broth to soften. Once very soft wring well the bread and put it in the pot with the tomato and a little 'stock. Season with salt and basil and simmer for about 20 minutes.

At this point your Pappa al Pomodorowill be ready to be served!

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